Event Highlights

Seminar on China’s Asia Strategy: Opportunities and Challenges


This 1.5-hour seminar discussed there is an imperative for prudence which should be met by China’s future efforts in the One Belt One Road and similar “strategic economic”’ projects, as demonstrated by the practices of the “strategic military” approach, so as to prevent strategic overreach. 


Lecture on Achieving a Connected and Integrated ASEAN through the Master Plan on ASEAN Connectivity 2025


This 1.5-hour seminar highlighted the priority areas of the new blueprint, as well as provided an analysis of the state of connectivity of the preceding blueprint. 


Seminar on Beyond Electoral Coordination: The Evolutionary Challenge for Malaysia’s Opposition


This 1.5-hour seminar discussed that the opposition faces a structural problem and may not be able to inspire voters to enthusiastically turn out to vote in the next polls, even if a straight fight deal is attained eventually between Pakatan Harapan, PAS and Mahathir’s new party Bersatu. 


Lecture on New Data on Early Settlement Processes and State Formation in Highland Sumatra, Indonesia


This 1.5-hour seminar revealed an increase in territorial consolidation and socio-economic complexity which initiated a dense settlement pattern in this highland region from the 14th century.


Seminar on Whither the Rebalancing?


This 1.5-hour seminar provided an estimate of the durability of the rebalance policy and the extent of President Obama’s legacy in the region as well as an updated assessment on the future of TPP.


ASEAN Roundtable 2016


The ASEAN Roundtable 2016 organised by the ASEAN Studies Centre was held on 30 August 2016 at the Institute. The theme of this year’s Roundtable is “The ASEAN Economic Community: Towards 2025”. The Roundtable drew more than 80 participants to discuss various aspects of the ASEAN Economic Community and regional economic integration.


Seminar on Southeast Asia’s Responses to the Arbitral Tribunal Award on the South China Sea


This two-hour seminar featured a panel discussion examining the responses to the Tribunal’s ruling from the Philippines, Vietnam, and Indonesia.


Seminar on The Outlook for the 2016 US Elections and Beyond


This seminar discussed the 2016 United States presidential and congressional elections, looking specifically at the factors that will help determine the outcome of the election and what the results may mean for the future of American policy.


Seminar on Brexit, Implications for the UK, the EU, Regional Trade Agreements, and Singapore


In this seminar, four practitioners shared their perspectives on different aspects of Brexit.


Seminar on Thailand’s Constitutional Referendum Results: Political Meanings and Implications


In this seminar, Dr Prajak Kongkirati presented a detailed analysis of the 7 August referendum outcome for the vote on the draft for Thailand’s 20th constitution. He explained the political impact of this outcome, as well as the likely political direction that post-referendum Thailand will take. – Click on to learn more about the seminar.