Webinar on “Digital Disruptions: How Digital Technology is Changing Social and Cultural Life in Indonesia”


This Webinar Conference explores the impacts of digital technology and how it has transformed the social as well as cultural aspects in Indonesia. 


Digital Disruptions


How Digital Technology is Changing Social and Cultural Life in Indonesia


Webinar on “Indonesia Forum 2021 – Navigating Global Uncertainties and Building Resilience”


This two-day Forum explores how Indonesia, as a country, had changed over the last twenty years and highlights the prospects and challenges faced by the country as it progresses into the post-pandemic era.


Webinar on “Tech for Good in Indonesia: Humanitarian Chatbots for Climate Disaster Response and Recovery”


In this webinar, Ms Nashin Mahtani spoke about her work leading a multidisciplinary team in developing open-source software for democratic climate adaptation and humanitarian aid. Discussing the award-winning platform, PetaBencana.id (Disaster Map Indonesia), she highlighted the factors that enable the success of this platform and how it had helped affected regions in their responses toward natural disasters.


Webinar on “Indonesia’s Economy 2021: Recovery or Stagnation?”


In this webinar, Dr Muhamad Chatib Basri shared his observations on the current economic trends in Indonesia and provided insights on Indonesia’s economic recovery from the effects of COVID-19 pandemic.  


Webinar on “The Work Creation (Omnibus) Law in Indonesia: What Does its Journey Tell Us About Indonesian Politics”


In this webinar, Dr Max Lane discussed the main contents and ideological thrust of the 2020 Work Creation Law (UU Cipta Kerja) and analysed the opposition campaigns undertaken against the Bill that were spearheaded by Indonesian trade unions and environmental and other civil society groups.


Webinar on “Indonesia’s Omnibus Law and Sovereign Wealth Fund (SWF)”


In this webinar, Dr Reza Siregar, Dr Cyril Noerhadi and Mr Anton Gunawan discussed the background to the Indonesia Investment Authority’s establishment, its objectives, and role as well as how it is expected to work.


Webinar on “Constraints and Opportunities for Indonesia’s Micro, Small, and Medium Enterprises (MSMEs) amidst the COVID-19 Pandemic”


In this webinar, Dr Astrid Meilasari-Sugiana, Dr Gunardi Endro and Dr Suwandi shared their observations on the constraints faced by Indonesia’s Micro, Small and Medium Enterprises (MSMEs) during the pandemic and elaborated on some policies that have been implemented to assist these companies. Drawing on both policies and economic ideology of the country, the speakers attempted to highlight solutions and discussed how it could aid in the recovery of the economy after the pandemic.


Webinar on “Indonesia’s Political Outlook 2021: Stability and Vaccination to Support Economic Recovery”


In this webinar, Dr Djayadi Hanan elaborated on the political and economic outlook of Indonesia for 2021. Using a series of data obtained from public opinion surveys conducted by several Indonesian research agencies, Dr Djayadi Hanan attempted to explain the trends observed and identified possible predictions of Indonesia’s key pressing economic issues as well as political layout for 2021.


Webinar on “2020 Pilkada: Regional Elections Amidst the COVID-19 Pandemic”


In this webinar, Dr Deasy Simandjuntak, Dr Syafiq Hasyim and Mr Made Supriatma shared their observations of the recent local regional elections held in Indonesia, specifically focusing on three key cities, Medan, South Tangerang and Solo. Looking at the quick count results from these three areas, the speakers also discussed the outcomes of the elections and the effects of dynastic politics in influencing the voting patterns among voters in these areas.