ISEAS in the News: Southeast Asia Climate Outlook: 2023 Survey Report

The Climate Change in Southeast Asia Programme at ISEAS – Yusof Ishak Institute officially launched the fourth iteration of its Southeast Asia Climate Survey on 21 September 2023.

Southeast Asia Climate Outlook 2023 survey was conducted between 11 July and 6 August 2023 drawing a total of 2,225 responses from citizens of all ten ASEAN states, exceeding last year’s 1,386 responses. Besides English, the survey was offered in six different Southeast Asian languages (Bahasa Indonesia, Burmese, Lao, Khmer, Thai and Vietnamese), both online and in-person.

Click on the links below to read more:
1. Media Release
2. Welcome Remarks by Mr Choi Shing Kwok
3. Keynote Address by Minister Nik Nazmi Nik Ahmad
4. Southeast Asia Climate Outlook 2023 Survey Report

Media Coverage

  1. Lianhe Zaobao, 4 November 2023 – 黄伟曼:核能,能不能?
  2. The Straits Times, 14 October 2023 – A dirty habit: Why Indonesia is addicted to coal and how it can go green
  3. The Straits Times, 13 October 2023 – Climate knowledge growing in Asean, but other pressures drain sense of urgency, expert says
  4. The Straits Times, 13 October 2023 – S’poreans feel less threatened about climate change amid govt efforts to tackle issue: Survey
  5. Berita Harian, 13 October 2023 – Rakyat S’pura Rasa Kurang Terancam Tentang Perubahan Iklim: Tinjauan, Berita Setempat
  6. CNA, 5 October 2023 – Survei: Jumlah responden Asia tenggara yang melek akan ancaman perubahan iklim menurun
  7. BFM, 26 September 2023 – Climate Fatigue Weighing On ASEAN Gen Z?
  8. Today 23 September 2023 – SG Climate Rally 2023 highlights pervasive impact of climate change
  9. CNA, 23 September 2023 – Over 1,400 attend SG Climate Rally highlighting pervasive impact of climate change
  10. VTV Singapore, 23 September 2023 – KHẢO SÁT TRIỂN VỌNG KHÍ HẬU ĐÔNG NAM Á 2023
  11. Lianhe Zaobao, 22 September 2023 – 调查:东南亚人对气候威胁紧迫性认知下降
  12. 8World, 22 September 2023 – 相比2021年 较少国人认为气候变化是个严重且直接威胁
  13. CNA, 21 September 2023 – Fewer people in Southeast Asia see climate change as urgent threat: Survey
  14. CNA, 21 September 2023 – Less than half of respondents in Southeast Asia believe climate change poses ‘serious threat’ to region: Survey
  15. 8World, 21 September 2023 – 调查:每十名国人只有四人相信 气候变化会对我国构成严重威胁
  16. Today, 21 September 2023 – Only 4 in 10 S’poreans believe climate change poses ‘serious threat’ to country, continuing ‘worrying’ trend: Survey
  17. Eco-Business, 21 September 2023 – Support for fossil fuel subsidy cuts and coal phase-out gains momentum among Southeast Asians: survey
  18. Berita Mediacorp, 21 September 2023 – Kurang separuh responden di Asia Tenggara percaya perubahan iklim satu ‘ancaman serius’: Tinjauan
  19. The Business Times, 21 September 2023 – Daily Debrief: What Happened Today, Singapore
  20. The Business Times, 21 September 2023 – Singapore is South-east Asia’s most likely climate leader: survey, ESG
  21. Lianhe Zaobao, 21 September 2023 – 调查:近15%新加坡人能接受核能为替代能源 东南亚居首