Webinar on “Protest and Digital Repression: Repercussions and Pushback in Myanmar and Thailand”


In this webinar, Dr Janjiira Sombatpoonsiri and Ms Thinzar Shunlei Yi addressed the issue of digital repression in Myanmar and Thailand. They touch on the intertwining of digital and traditional approaches to repression, and its impact on protest movements.


Webinar on “Smoothing Subversion: Silk as Political Strategy in Modern Thailand”


In this hybrid seminar, Dr Alexandra Dalferro explored the roles that silk and sericulture played in Thailand during the Cold War period, highlighting the ways silks were integrated into counterinsurgency and rural development projects established across provincial Thailand.


Webinar on “How to Converse with Phuyai: Social Media Politics and the Ongoing Youth Uprising in Thailand”


In this webinar, Dr Moodjalin Sudcharoen shared on her research into the internet memes, YouTube videos, and other social media parodies and satires used by young Thai protesters to disseminate and amplify progressive ideas.


Webinar on “Civil Society Under Threat in Thailand?”


The webinar offered insight into the Thai government’s proposed Act on the Operations of Not-for-Profit Organizations, into the act’s substance, and into popular efforts to resist its adoption. The speakers addressed the implications of the act’s adoption for civil society organisations operating in Thailand. The webinar attracted 63 attendees from diverse backgrounds.


Webinar on “The Politics of Thailand’s Capital City: Observing Bangkok’s 2022 Gubernatorial and Local Election”


For the first time since the 2014-2019 National Council for Peace and Order (NCPO) military regime took power, Bangkok voters will have the chance to choose both a governor and members of metropolitan and district councils on 22 May. Even though the Bangkok electorate does not speak for the national electorate as a whole, the Bangkok election is a testing ground for the national political sentiment. In this webinar, Dr Pitch Pongsawat discussed the importance of Bangkok’s approaching gubernatorial election and the ways in which Thailand’s political parties might adjust their strategies for the national election expected next year in response to the results of this year’s polls in the capital city.


Webinar on “Cadre or Cartel? The Evolution of the Political Party and of the Political-Party System in Thailand”


In this webinar, Dr James Ockey and Dr Punchada Sirivunnabood examined the development and adaptations of political parties in Thailand. Drawing on the speakers’ book manuscript on stability, change, institutionalization and evolution in the Thai political-party system, the webinar seeks to shed light on the current state and future of Thailand’s major parties.


Webinar on “Thai Provincial Politics on the National Scale: Perspectives from Thanathorn Juangroongruangkit”


In this webinar, Mr Thanathorn Juangroongruangkit shared lessons that he gained from local election campaigns. Drawing on these experiences, he discusses the underlying problems of the governing structure of the Thai state and offered his views on why and how the power relations between the central government and local administrations need to change.


Webinar on “A New Battle is Coming in Thailand: Can Prayut Hold onto the Premiership?”


In this webinar, Dr Punchada Sirivunnabood examines the policies that the Phalang Pracharat Party has developed in an effort to ensure its victory in Thailand’s next national elections.


Webinar on “The Role of Political Parties in Thailand, and their Place in Thai Democracy”


In this webinar, The Honorable Abhisit Vejjajiva, former Prime Minister of Thailand, shared his thoughts on the role and importance of political parties in his country’s democracy.


Webinar on “Plundering Security: The Evolution of Khaki Capital in Thailand Today”


In this webinar, Dr Paul Chambers scrutinizes the evolution of khaki capital over time in Thailand. How has Thai khaki capital progressed, where does it stand today, and what is its likely future?