Education Disrupted? Legacies and Prospective Transformations in Myanmar’s Education Landscape


About the Webinar

The February 2021 coup in Myanmar led to an apparent watershed moment, with many groups – both old and new – calling for a new political blueprint for the country. The coup also disrupted the trajectory and choices of secondary and tertiary-level education in Myanmar, affecting the country’s future skills, growth and productivity potential. Pro-democracy stakeholders have started broad efforts at creating alternative education options for students in Myanmar, especially those aspiring for quality education. Many ethnic-based organizations have galvanized into expanding or creating new post-secondary institutions that teach innovative curricula in their territories.

Structural inequalities are not new in Myanmar’s education landscape. The 2021 coup has laid bare many historical legacies which must be confronted if democratic stakeholders are to succeed in creating a federal education system that can suit the needs of all ethnic and social groups in Myanmar.

In this webinar, three speakers will look at past, present and future challenges in Myanmar’s education landscape, and discuss how pro-democracy stakeholders can potentially develop a new tertiary education system that is inclusive and meets the needs of the youth.

About the Speakers

Isabella Aung is a doctoral candidate in the Department of Political Studies at Queen’s University, researching grassroots women’s digital activism in the ongoing anti-authoritarian movement in Myanmar. Her research explores how contemporary authoritarian power is both contested and sustained through social media. She is currently a UBC Myanmar Initiative Fellow. Bella has written research papers discussing identity-building through schools and language policies in Myanmar, residential schools in present-day Myanmar, and higher education options for students at risk/fleeing persecution.

Hla Hla Win is CEO and Co-Founder of 360ed, an EdTech social enterprise. Hla Hla is on a mission to democratize quality learning to bottom billions by leveraging Augmented Reality and other emerging technologies on smart phones devices. After completing her Master’s in Public Administration degree at Harvard Kennedy School of Government, she started 360ed in 2016. Prior to the 2021 coup, 360ed advised the Myanmar government on educational technology and transformation. Hla Hla is one of the Social Entrepreneur of the Year 2019 Awardees of the Schwab Foundation, the World Economic Forum’s sister organization.

Saw Kapi is Director of the newly established School of Governance and Public Administration, a joint programme of Myanmar’s Salween Institute for Public Policy and Thabyay Education Network Foundation. A veteran political analyst with a particular focus on promoting federalism and good governance in Myanmar, Saw Kapi founded the Salween Institute. He holds a bachelor’s degree in international relations from San Francisco State University and a master’s degree in development economics from Williams College.


This webinar will be delivered online entirely. You can join the webinar at the specified date and time using devices (computer, phone, or tablet) with internet connection.

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If you have questions for the speaker, please key in your questions via the Q&A, stating your name and affiliation. The moderator will field them to the speakers during the Q&A session.


Jul 10 2023


10:00 am - 11:30 am

