A Near-Term Economic Outlook for Myanmar in 2024


About the Webinar

Close to three years after the 2021 coup, Myanmar’s economy continues to falter under the military-controlled State Administration Council (SAC). This is driven by a widespread lack of confidence and the regime’s policy approach, geared towards economic control and extracting foreign exchange, though the regime continues to try to deflect blame and coerce market forces into submission. Recent corruption scandals have rocked the SAC’s highest echelons, showing both the extent of the country’s patronage system and the severity of its economic problems. Operation 1027, launched by ethnic armed organisations in northern Shan State in late October, has also exposed the vulnerability of the main arteries of Myanmar’s border trade.

For a near-term outlook on Myanmar’s economy in 2024, including some discussion on the effects of recent sanctions and Operation 1027, join the ISEAS Myanmar Studies Programme in conversation with a long-time analyst of Myanmar’s business environment, including private sector development and foreign direct investment.

About the Speaker

Dr. Jared Bissinger is a development economist and independent consultant specialising in private sector development and the business environment in Myanmar. Jared has been working primarily in and on Myanmar since 2011. He completed his PhD in Economics in 2015, with a thesis entitled, “Economic Institutions and the Development of Burma/Myanmar’s Private Sector”. He has previously worked as a consultant with the World Bank, ILO, UNDP, UNICEF, ODI, AusAID, Asia Foundation and numerous bilateral donors.


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Dec 13 2023


9:00 am - 10:15 am

More Info


