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The 44th Singapore Lecture by His Excellency Li Keqiang, Premier of the State Council of the People’s Republic of China


Chinese Premier Li Keqiang delivered the 44th Singapore Lecture “Pursuing Open and Integrated Development for Shared Prosperity 在开放融通中共创共享繁荣” at the St Regis Hotel on 13 November 2018.

Light on a Hill: The ISEAS – Yusof Ishak Institute Story 1968–2018


Minister for Education, Mr Ong Ye Kung, officially launched the 50th anniversary commemorative book of ISEAS – Yusof Ishak Institute (ISEAS) entitled, “LIGHT ON A HILL: THE ISEAS – YUSOF ISHAK INSTITUTE STORY 1968-2018”,  on 30 November 2018 at an event attended by more than 100 guests from academia, government, diplomatic community, private sector and media.

ISEAS Signs MOU with The Sasakawa Peace Foundation


ISEAS-Yusof Ishak Institute has signed a memorandum of understanding (MOU) with The Sasakawa Peace Foundation (SPF) to deepen research, strengthen problem-solving capacity, and search for viable solutions to the varied problems and issues of critical interest to Southeast Asia and Japan.

Regional Outlook Forum 2019: Disruptions, Re-alignments, Opportunities


ROF2019 is the 22nd edition of the event. This year, more than 650 participants attended the event at Shangri-La Hotel.

NALANDA-SRIWIJAYA CENTRE LECTURE SERIES ‘1819 and Before: Singapore’s Pasts’


The ‘1819 and Before: Singapore’s Pasts’, a lecture series in commemoration of the bicentennial of Raffles’s landing in Singapore in 1819, explores the premodern and early history of Singapore, and to locate it in the broader region.

The State of Southeast Asia: 2019 Survey Report


The State of Southeast Asia: 2019 Survey Report presents the findings of a regionwide online survey conducted among policy, research, business, civil society, and media communities in Southeast Asian countries on their views towards the state of the region amidst regional and global changes and uncertainties.