
“Forget the ‘moderate’ label, judge consistency of thinking”, an Op-Ed by Norshahril Saat in The Straits Times


The article which was first published online by The Straits Times on April 30, 2016 can be viewed here.

“Storm clouds gather over South China Sea ahead of key U.N. ruling” – Ian Storey quoted in The Washington Post


The article which was first published online by The Washington Post on April 27, 2016 can be viewed here.

“My Say: The ruling class has to follow a higher set of rules”, an op-ed by Ooi Kee Beng


In age in which we constantly assert the Paramountcy of the Law and in which we proclaim equality before the law, we carelessly assume that obeying the law, or at least not breaking the law, is all we really need to do for society to function well. But is that really enough? Is that all the contribution one needs to make to society — being law-abiding?

To read more, please click here.

Seminar on Political and Economic Risk in Malaysia beyond 1MDB


In this seminar, Jahabar Sadiq goes through the saga and the scenarios that could develop for the next 12 months.


“A Welcome Choice of Governor of Malaysia’s National Bank”, a Comment by Ooi Kee Beng


To read more, please click here.

“A Welcome Choice of Governor of Malaysia’s National Bank”, by Ooi Kee Beng


Commentary 2016/11, 27 April 2016.

The appointment of Muhammad Ibrahim as successor to Dr Zeti Akhtar Aziz as Bank Negara Malaysia’s governor should be widely welcomed. Fear in the financial sector in recent months that the highly respected Zeti, who had served for 16 years as national bank governor may be replaced by a political appointee is allayed by the fact that Prime Minister Najib Razak has chosen a professional banker instead, who had been Zeti’s deputy for the last five years. This move will minimize the transitional hiccups.


“China’s dangerous divide and conquer game with ASEAN”, an Op-Ed by Tang Siew Mun in TODAY


The article which was first published online by TODAY on April 27, 2016 can be viewed here.

“Chinese FM Wang Yi’s Remarks Rile ASEAN”, a Commentary by Termsak Chalermpalanupap


To read more, please click here.

“Chinese FM Wang Yi’s Remarks Rile ASEAN”, by Termsak Chalermpalanupap


Commentary 2016/10, 26 April 2016.

Chinese Foreign Minister Wang Yi’s remarks at the end of his official visits to Brunei Darussalam, Cambodia and Laos, whether intended or not, has the effect of undermining ASEAN’s consensus on the South China Sea (SCS) issue.


“Cooperation, not confrontation, needed to tackle haze”, an Op-Ed by Lee Poh Onn in TODAY


The article which was first published online by TODAY on April 26, 2016 can be viewed here.