Dr Sarah Tiffin spoke at a Politics of Arts in Southeast Asia seminar on the depictions of the ruins of Java by British artists. In particular, the seminar examined the illustrations of ruined Hindu and Buddhist candis which appeared in the book by Sir Stamford Raffles, The History of Java (1817), and how the depiction and production of these illustrations reveal his aspirations for British imperial rule in the region.
Minister for Education, Mr Ong Ye Kung, officially launched the 50th anniversary commemorative book of ISEAS – Yusof Ishak Institute (ISEAS) entitled, “LIGHT ON A HILL: THE STORY OF ISEAS – YUSOF ISHAK INSTITUTE 1968-2018”, this afternoon at an event attended by more than 100 guests from academia, government, diplomatic community, private sector and media.
The OECD Development Centre recently released the latest issue of its bi-annual flagship publication – Economic Outlook for Southeast Asia, China and India. The report comprises several elements, including: overall macroeconomic assessment of Asia; major issues facing the region; and policy recommendations for emerging economies.
Floods have been Malaysia’s most frequent environmental disaster. Despite increasingly heavy public outlays by Malaysian authorities on flood management measures, inundations have increased in occurrence and severity in recent times. Against this background, ISEAS-Yusof Ishak Institute invited Assistant Professor Fiona Clare Williamson (Singapore Management University) and Professor Chan Ngai Weng (Universiti Sains Malaysia) to present historical and contemporary perspectives on Malaysia’s flood problems.